Tuesday, September 1, 2009

See the truth, at the same time, be GOOD

The Verge for Defense

This would be the first time I would use this title for you readers must see that everyone has a thing or person to confess everything according to his/her point of view. It doesn’t really matter what other people might say for the thing/person confessed at would be a reliable source. It/He/She evaluates, analyzes or describes any accounts for the benefit of its/his/her master or beholder. I express nothing but what I know and I would promise to keep all biases as long as I am narrating in this blog; my verge for defense.

The Sky: The Lesson for the Day

The day is defined as the inconstant sky with bright and dark moods. There are ups and downs, victories and failures, happy and sad moments, chills and warmth and all sorts of contrasting experiences a person would imagine happened today.

And as every cloud roll by, there would always be some flock of wild birds that would fly beneath it, all of them going in the same direction.

Yet, there are some birds that travel alone. They are the real masters of the sky. The ones which would fly higher than the others delineate their capacity to know must be wider than the others who might just define a lake endless. Common species would just ignite rumors that they are arrogant, crazy or underestimating due to the fact that they cannot accept the truth these noble birds share. There would be misunderstandings, rumor-mongering, backstabbing and all sorts of illegal stuff just to plot the termination and obliteration of these birds. Even doves would join the scheme…

But for the sages, such as owls, they fly under the black cape of darkness in which no bird dares to fly. They know the strength and valiance of the dignified birds. They accept their words, their minds open and their souls unfired. They must be the only ones who know the truth, that is why, they are considered wise…

Nevertheless, we can also say that these master birds have their own shortcomings. They become aeroheads, species which REALLY underestimate everything, who would mock every mistake, who would trample upon the things they consider mediocre. This is their Achilles’ heel, for they are alone, and if they commit this act, the flock would surge to them and devour their feathers until they are destroyed. The only option to survive interaction with the same family is TO BE GOOD.

You might see the truth, speak, or act for it you can’t act righteous all the way, you would fail for your cause. Remember, flocks are all around you. You cannot be one of them You cannot join these groups for you travel a path different from theirs, and that, you are alone… See the truth, at the same time, be GOOD…

On the way home this is what I realized

I have to overlook every shortcoming done to me in order to survive the kind of environment I’m living in. There are BOSSES. There are TRICKSTERS. There are WOLVES THAT DRESS UNDER THE SHEEP’S CLOTHING. I have to forgive everything and that you must also forgive me too… Sorry Gelli. Sorry Sarah.