Classes were suspended due to fact the typhoon "Kiko" came back to the Philippines with a speed of 130km/hr (according to Gelli). Before this event happened, Jonah Garcia and I arranged a lot of things for the Atomos bulletin board. After 1 week, this bulletin board still lies blank. Why? For this kind of time, students are stacked with a lot of projects and we are too preoccupied to focus only to this activity. But I got a peculiar experience with Jonah; I confided her my innermost feelings about this person and she too revealed her own. I realized we're both lying in the same scenario. But I told her we are lucky because not many would be that close to the people they admire/look up to. Well, the conversation was too heavy for me explain yet I find it noble for us girls who plunge into the sacrificial pool just to make others *ehem* happy.
After this, II-Thales and I went to KFC. I garnered the best company and to tell you honestly I kinda missed this group. They respect me at the same time have fun with me no matter how cloudy the skies were. I rode the jeepney on the way home. This was my first time riding all the way to Monumento. I acquired countless experiences. One of them was having interviewed by this students (I dunno what school they came from). They asked me if studying in MSHS was difficult and I told them that as long as you keep focused on studying your notes regularly, you won't fall out (Shucks, GC). They asked these personal questions in which I didn't answer a lot of them. One of them suddenly introduced. His name is Anthony and he told me when do I leave. I told him the answer and replied that he will follow me (Goodness). I looked away from him. Time ran like the wind and it was time for me to get of the jeepney. He followed and said "Have my umbrella since yours is already broken." The irony is, it wasn't raining at that time. I just said a courteous "No" and thanked him. What a queer guy. A second, he introduces then suddenly, you're with him and you're friends. As Anthony and I separated ways, I thanked God for the day and walked home... It made the day unique among the others...Gee, I miss walking across the church
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